UI/UX Design
Start Screen
A Multiplayer startscreen for MELD that contains interactions for Creating a new Lobby, Joining a Lobby, a non-intrusive How to play Guide and a credits section
Gameplay UI - Test
A pre-final render of what the gameplay UI for a 4 player game would look like, with buttons for combining("melding") cards together, timer, player names, card draw and discard piles, and player points.
Gameplay UI - Final
Final Render of the gameplay UI, adjusted for 4 cards in player's hand, timer, turn indicater and turn notification, dedicated discard button, mled button to combine/form a deck, player names and points
Cards UI
Per card design and card data which displays the card name and card type for clear, quick and easy understanding of the card. Card Names would automatically be generated and aligned on card as per design by directly pulling for a database.
Werewolf Victims
Start Screen
A Multiplayer startscreen for MELD that contains interactions for Creating a new Lobby, Joining a Lobby, a non-intrusive How to play Guide and a credits section
Gameplay UI - Test
A pre-final render of the gameplay UI for the radial bullethell depicting the player, player HP, boss, boss HP and the friednly critters in the game. A linear health bar is employed for both the boss and the player.
Gameplay UI - Final
A final render of the gameplay UI for the radial bullethell. A black mask with a circular cutout to draw the players attention to the center of the screen where the boss is, a circular radial glowing line to show the radius of player movement and the player's path. Radial health and shield bars for the boss and health pips for the player instead of a radial bar. Other additional stats like points and distance covered is shown.
Radial Fill Example
HP and shields for the boss are designed to be radial/arcs around the shown player area which puts a strong emphasis on the radial movement of the player and the radial gameplay that's intrinsic to the game. The bars have a fill layer that's controlled by a percentage of the boss' HP that affects the amount of health shown. The HP and shield bars fill up radially.
A Scoreboard that's displayed once the player's run ends which depicts the player's points and their standing.